The State of Blockchain:
Separating Hype from Reality

Presentation Date & Time:
September 16th at 10:00 AM
Presenter Information:
Name: Daniel Heyman
Organization: PegaSys (ConsenSys)
Title: Co-Founder & Program Director
Presentation Description:
Blockchain has become the buzzword of the decade in Fintech. Some see it as a technology revolution in the making and others think it’s merely a bubble. Reality lies somewhere in between - but with so many organizations exploring and implementing blockchain solutions we cannot afford to neglect the technology.
So how can we separate fact from fiction? How can we develop real-world solutions using blockchain without risking significant investments?
This talk will review what’s in the market today, tried and tested points and what still needs some proof points before adoption. We will highlight pitfalls to avoid and what are the right questions to ask when planning your blockchain solution concepts.
Daniel Heyman Biography
Daniel Heyman is co-founder and Program Director of PegaSys, focusing on the strategy and operations of the team. Prior to joining PegaSys and ConsenSys, he was co-founder and CEO of Stack AI, COO of the Demeter Entrepreneur Support Network and Project Manager at MIT's Poverty Action Lab. He has an M.B.A. from MIT Sloan and a B.A. in Mathematics and Economics from Columbia University.