The Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence
in the Banking & Fintech Industries

Presentation Date & Time:
September 17th at 1:30 PM
Presenter Information:
Name: Swapna Malekar
Organization: Royal Bank of Canada
Title: Senior Manager, Product
Presentation Description:
Data comes huge responsibility - how can we use data and artificial intelligence in an ethical and sustainable way to provide immense user value? We use artificial intelligence in our everyday lives even without thinking about it — eg. spam detection in our gmail inbox, getting relevant search results and even relevant ads on google or facebook, or personalized recommendations on Netflix or Amazon. Even as customers, we don’t stop and think about how companies use our data. How can we balance the need for user data privacy and tangible end value to our users?
Swapna Malekar Biography
Swapna is a Product Lead at RBC in Canada, leading their innovation stream to create products and digital solutions using lean methodologies. Her current focus is on solving user identity management, goal based planning, personalization and digital transformation use-cases for RBC.
Prior to RBC, Swapna was the Head of Product at a UK-based SaaS Data intelligence company, Klood that provided insights out of complex unstructured datasets to enterprise clients through artificial intelligence. Whilst in Singapore, Swapna was responsible for driving Ecommerce growth for the Asian and European regions for the world’s largest publishing company, Scholastic as their Product Manager. She started her career with Accenture, and is a technology buff. Her current passion is finding innovative use-cases for blockchain and AI in the fintech/banking domain.
Prior to RBC, Swapna was the Head of Product at a UK-based SaaS Data intelligence company, Klood that provided insights out of complex unstructured datasets to enterprise clients through artificial intelligence. Whilst in Singapore, Swapna was responsible for driving Ecommerce growth for the Asian and European regions for the world’s largest publishing company, Scholastic as their Product Manager. She started her career with Accenture, and is a technology buff. Her current passion is finding innovative use-cases for blockchain and AI in the fintech/banking domain.