How Uber Uses Machine Learning & Data Science to Make Moving Money Less Risky

Presentation Date & Time:
September 23rd & 24th, 2021
Presenter Information:
Name: Trupti Natu
Organization: Uber
Presentation Description:
Uber not only moves people and food... they also move money. As the Head of Money Movement Risk - Advanced Analytics and Strategy, Trupti Natu will present data science strategies and machine learning models that Uber applies to it's fast growing global business transactions... The overall goal of these initiatives is to make transactions safer and risk free for partners on Uber platform. Further, Natu will discuss the challenges Uber faces operating in markets with both cash and digital payments.
Trupti Natu Biography
Trupti Natu is the Head of Money Movement Risk Strategy for Uber. Her goal is to keep fraudsters at bay, adding to Uber's bottomline all while making Uber the safest, trusted and number #1 marketplace for eaters /riders, driver partners and restaurant partners alike. Uber is customer and partner obsessed so we are always balancing between good UX while weeding out bad actors. Uber use ML, deep-learning, experimentation, customer feedback as well as data analytics and tech/product strategy to build this experience and reduce losses/risk.