Cashing It In!
The State of Cash In A Fintech World

Presentation Date & Time:
October 16, 2018 - 9:00 AM
Presenter Information:
Name: Rory Herriman
Title: CTO Software & Digital Systems
Organization: SUZOHAPP
Presentation Description:
Despite the rumors of its demise, cash remains a critical element of our global economic system. However, the way in which we manage cash is rapidly changing. This session will provide an overview of the state of cash in the global economy. It will also examine the cost of taking cash and the innovative financial technology that is being developed to help minimize that cost and optimize its usage. Finally, the presentation will explore emerging business opportunities arising out of the cash economies.
Dr. Rory Herriman Biography:
Dr. Rory Herriman is currently the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for Software and Digital Systems at SUZOHAPP – a global FINTECH company proving cash handling automation and self-service solutions to more than 25,000 customers throughout the world. In this role, he has responsibility for advancing SUZOHAPP’S product strategy and development of next generation intelligent connected devices (IoT), cash management and analytics software, and cashless payments platforms. Prior to joining SUZOHAPP, Rory served as the Co-Founder and CTO of Ponvia Technology where he led both product development and consulting for customer experience solutions. During this time, he developed and launched one of the industry’s first multi-modal dialog platforms for AI based customer self-service. Before joining Ponvia, he Co-Founded and led the product development at NEXVU Technologies where is focused on products that provided real-time data network performance monitoring and analysis. Rory also served in the role of Sr. Director for Engineering and Operations at Sears, Roebuck and Company where he led technology development in both the retail and credit divisions. Rory holds a Doctorate in Engineering from George Washing University and a Master’s in Systems Engineering from Johns Hopkins University. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and is a member of multiple industry standards boards.